Learn T.N.R. (trap-neuter-return)

Video tutorials


Our Youtube channel contains all of the wisdom we have to give about all aspects of feral cat rescue work.


Playlists of trapping videos:

Everything you need to learn to become a competent trapper to humanely catch cats for sterilization.

Lessons on how to become a sophisticated trapper.



Other playlists:

Lessons on how to make warm, weatherproof shelters for feral cats following a TNR project. A range of shelter types are shown, made from a variety of materials, including free, recycled materials.

Why rescue feral cats?

No feral cat asked to be a feral cat; they exist because of a mistake a human made in not getting a pet spayed or neutered and then either losing it, abandoning it, or letting it outdoors where it started a feral colony. It would be unethical to have a feral cat pay with its life for a human’s mistake. TNR (trap-neuter-return) is an ethical solution to the problem of multiplying feral cats.


TNR is an animal rescue strategy that humanely solves the problem of feral cats breeding and perpetuating the cycle of miserable, hungry, short lives in the wild. Feral cats that have been TNR’d get to live out the rest of their lives without the hormonal issues of fighting, spraying, and roaming, without struggling to raise sickly, hungry kittens, and most importantly without making more of themselves. The idea is that TNR stabilizes the size of the colony, and then attrition naturally reduces its size over the years until all of the cats have passed away.


We socialize and look after kittens that are brought in from the wild so that they can have a better life. Feral colonies do not simply die off if they are ignored. Yes, there is a great deal of death, particularly with the kittens, but the colony survives just enough to perpetuate the cycle of suffering. This bothers us. It bothers us enough that we are willing to volunteer our time doing a lot of work to make a better solution.


We think it is wonderful when responsible people adopt adult or senior cats from shelters. This gives an animal a home and helps to reduce overcrowding at shelters. We also understand that there is a demand for kittens to be domestic pets. We know first-hand that there are many feral kittens rescued from the wild. Those kittens can be cared for and socialized into healthy, affectionate little companions, and be adopted out to loving forever homes who want the joy and the responsibility of caring for them. We think it is wonderful when responsible people adopt rescue kittens. Such kittens are already here - they already exist - and so we are delighted that they can be connected to families who want them.


There is a demand for barn cats as well, particularly from people who want environmentally friendly rodent control for their acreage, farm, vineyard, or warehouse. We do not want people deliberately creating kittens to carry out barn duties. We are delighted when sterilized, vaccinated, adult feral cats are connected to suitable barn homes that want them.